The Importance of First Aid

First aid is the simplest emergency measure necessary to save the life and health of victims of injuries, accidents and sudden illnesses. It must be given at the scene of the accident before a doctor arrives or the victim is taken to a hospital.

First aid is the beginning of the treatment of injuries because it prevents complications such as shock, bleeding, infection, additional displacement of bone fragments and injury to large nerve trunks and blood vessels.

It should be remembered that the timeliness and quality of first aid largely determines the further state of health of the victim and even his life. With some minor injuries, medical care to the victim may be limited to the scope of first aid. However, with more serious injuries (fractures, dislocations, bleeding, internal injuries, etc.) first aid is the initial stage of treatment, because after its provision the victim must be taken to a medical institution.

First aid is very important, but it can never replace qualified (specialized) medical care. You should not try to treat the injured person on your own, but, having provided first aid, you should immediately contact a doctor.